Monday, October 26, 2009



By: Scott Westerfeld
Reviewed by: Pamela B., 15
Rating: Really liked it

Tally lives in a civilization where people don't want to look the way they're born. At sixteen, they get an operation that changes them to fit the standard of beauty that is set by everyone else. Before that they are considered "uglies".(Peer pressureanyone?)

Tally gets in trouble when her best friend, Shay, runs away to join a group of rebels who are against this operation. They specials, group of enhanced pretties, give her a choice. Either she follows Shay's complicated instructions and leads them to the rebel camp, or she'll never be a "Pretty".

This book is full of friendships, loyalty, love, betrayal,and more. Tally must decide if becoming pretty is worth loosing her new love and her best friend.

Its filled with a really strong message for teens. How many of your friends do you know that think they aren't pretty? Or that say they're ugly? It really makes you think about all the stereotypes that we give ourselves.

Recommended to: teens

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