Friday, October 30, 2009

Gone Tomorrow

Gone Tomorrow

By: Lee Child
Reviewed by: Eric L., 17
Rating: It was alright...

Gone Tomorrow is the thirteenth book in the series created by Lee Child.

Short summary: the novel begins in New York City, on the underground subway where protagonist, Jack Reacher, is traveling on. While on the train, he notices a woman wearing a puffy black jacket even though its a very hot day. Immediately his senses buzz and he approaches the woman and as he talks to her, believing her to be suicide bomber. Presenting himself as a policeofficer, he tries to console her in to not blowing up the train which results in the woman taking out a gun and killing herself.

The novel was an interesting read. Occasionally the book lost me because of uninteresting details but overall it is nicely narrated and has a bit of a plot twist in the middle of the book.

Recommended to: 15 and over

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