Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Lost Symbol

The Lost Symbol

By: Dan Brown
Reviewed by: Eric L., 17
Rating: It was alright...

The most recent novel written by Dan Brown.

The story takes place over a period of 12 hours in Washington, D.C., with a focus on Freemasonry.[6] Robert Langdon is summoned to give a lecture in National Statuary Hall at the United States Capitol, with the invitation apparently from his mentor, a 33rd degree Mason named Peter Solomon, who is the head of the Smithsonian Institution. Solomon has also asked him to bring a small package which he had entrusted with Langdon for safekeeping years earlier. When Langdon arrives at the Capitol, however, instead of an audience for his lecture, and after receiving a phone call from the person that he thought was from Solomon's office he hears screams coming from the Capitol Rotunda. Running, he finds the severed right hand of Peter Solomon mounted on a stick, directly in the middle of the room. The hand contains tattoos on each finger, and Langdon recognizes it as the symbolic 'Hand of the Mysteries', which seemingly points straight up to the fresco The Apotheosis of Washington on the inside of the Capitol dome. Noticing Peter's ring on one of the hand's fingers, Langdon realizes that it is the hand of his kidnapped friend, and from messages already received he knows that the kidnapper wants him to find both the Mason's Pyramid, which Masons believe is hidden somewhere underground in Washington D.C., and the Masons' word which will complete the task that the kidnapper has given himself.

The novel is good, i had a hard time putting it down but there are sometimes when i questioned the motives of the characters.

Recommended to: 13 and over

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