Friday, October 30, 2009



By: Eleanor Updale
Reviewed by: Tabby, 13
Rating: Really liked it

This book was wonderful. It had a sense of adventure when as it became a cat and mouse chase for Momntmorency's mask. Not that anybody was really, literally chasing Montmorency, but that his inner feelings about the world he lived in both his lives. One part in the shadows wishing to be recognized, while the other always on his toes to be alike the rest of the world. It was a really special quality to have a dou personality and have created both on their own feat. The sad thing is tough, we never really knew each side of Montmorency, seeing only one part of him had real control. If the book had shown the side of Montmorency as a another person, another time and another place, it would've made things more exciting. Also, the book had a driving force that had still seemed fresh, not at all concious of the future.

The book had really surrounded the sense that as it was being written, new ideas were piggy-backed on and then came out to be much more exciting in the end. But when does so much become too much? I had tried to read the third book, but I couyldn't bring myself into doing it. Now that I look back, it must've been I was too scared of the characters growing up too fast. I think that allreaders fear that their favorite characters will grow up too fast and leave them behind.

Being me, I've just scrambled random thoughts all together hoping that you could understand how I felt about this book. Sorry. All in all, this book was absolutly a great adventure.

Recommended to: Teens, people who like adventure, teens who like putting themselves in twisted situations, people who are bored

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