Monday, July 20, 2009

Ugly Betty Season 1

Ugly Betty - Season 1

Created By: Silvio Horta
Reviewed by: Tracy L., 13
Rating: It was amazing!

Ugly Betty is a show where a young, intelligent girl goes to work at the top fashion magazine, MODE. There is only one problem. She is not thin like the rest or pretty.

The first season includes her saving the magazine from failing, Bradford Meade going to jail after being accused of the death of Fey Sommers, Claire Meade confessing and put in jail instead, Alex's sex change to Alexis, Hilda(Betty's sister)'s fiance getting shot and killed while buying Justin a present, and Whilemina trying everything to take over the magazine.

I really liked the first season because it was eventful and kind of enpowering. It shows that even if you are not the most beautiful girl or the skinnest, you can still succeed in things in the fashion industry.

Recommended to: teens

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