Monday, July 13, 2009

A Thousand Splendid Suns

A Thousand Splendid Suns

By: Khaled Hosseini
Reviewed by: Lynna, 17
Rating: Really liked it

This novel was very inspiring, empowering, making me understand that the world we lived in is bigger and more unpredictable than what we think. A Thousand Splendid Suns was really good, like First They Killed My Father and Sold. These novels all have the experiences and background credible to sound honest and intriguing down to every single word.

This novel was about Afghan culture during a horrible war. It showed the cruelty between genders; males being the dominant in a relationship, and females being the subordinates. The experiences of the two Afghan woman who were recollecting their lives in Afghanistan was very well-written.

This book can really open your eyes. The author also wrote Kite Runner, which was another really inspiring and emotionally compelling novel. This book can move many to tears or anger - charging emotions through every single page.

Recommended to: Anyone ready to open their eyes


gothiclolitamaiden said...

I've been meaning to read this one for some time now. I read "The Kite Runner" (by the same author) for school, and I found it sad and riveting. Have you read "Kite Runner?"

Lynna said...

Nope, not yet. I have watched some of the movie and it was very emotional. I will write on it sometime when I get my hands on it. People say that the movie and book is almost the same, both equally compelling so I'm guessing the author must really be good at writing.