Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Green Street Hooligans

Green Street Hooligans

By: Lexi Alexender
Reviewed by: Meena, 16
Rating: It was amazing!

Green Street Hooligans gives the audience an inside look at a world many people don't even know exists. A world where supporting a certain football (soccer) team is everything. The gentlemen apart of the GSE-Green Street Elite- are an exclusive group whose entire life revolves around supporting their team. Yes, they do have regular jobs and a social life, but they mean nothing compared to the love and passion they have for defending their team. This movie is both riveting and exciting. It is unpredictable and fantastic in that every direction the film takes makes it even more and more better.

Overall, this is one of the best films i have ever in because it is like nothing i have ever seen before. This film goes into a world that is exclusive and unknown of, making it even better than all of the other predictable sports movies.

Recommended to: Any Sports Fans

1 comment:

Gina said...

Great review, Meena! Keep up the good work. :)