Thursday, January 21, 2010

Artemis Fowl

Artemis Fowl

By: Eoin Colfer
Reviewed by: Karthik, 12
Rating: It was amazing!

This is the first in a long line of Artemis Fowl books and is frankly the best. The main Charecter of the story is a boy named,you guessed it, Artemis Fowl who is a multimillionare,genius. With his yound belief in fairies and his adultlike intelligence and cunning he takes on a task no human has yet succeded in, seperating a fairy from its gold. But these fairies do't just have magic they have technolagy.

To do this he must kidnapp a Fairy ploice operative named Holly Short.But artemis is not alone in his venture he has help from Butler, his butler. And Juliet Butler's sister. Both are forms of a modern Jackie Chan.

But despite all the help just as Artemis's plan is about succed the faires send in wepons that even Artemis Fowl didn't think of,or better put creatures Artemis didn't think of.

This tale is like a winding road full of unexpected twistes and turn. I highly recommend it to readers interested in action and high tech fantasy.

Recommended to:

1 comment:

Gina said...

Great review, Karthik! Keep up the good work!