Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Dear John

Dear John

By: Nicholas Sparks
Reviewed by: Meena , 16
Rating: Didn't like it

Nicholas Sparks is famous for his romantic and heart-breaking love stories; stories that will make an audience cry no matter how many times they hear it. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case with Dear John. Dear John, a typical Sparks story, is about two strangers who fall madly in love with one another and are forced to stay apart as a result of their separate lives. That separation causes, Savannah and John to once again, become strangers. Although the book was romantic at times, all the other times were boring and upsetting. There was no true love or passion between the two main characters.

Furthermore, this book was not one of Sparks greatest and it never will be, no matter how many times you read it. At the end, it had me wondering why he even wrote it, because there didn't seem to be a point in any of it. Let's just hope the movie is better.

Recommended to: People who like depressing books.

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