Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

By: Lewis Carroll
Reviewed by: Matt, 13
Rating: It was amazing!

Go down the rabbit hole and you will find the strangest world of fantasy in classical and modern literature. This plot is centered around Alice (a young English girl) and her travels through the mystical Wonderland. Where she change sizes multiple times and meets many animals who are offended by almost everything. But things get stranger, and among these oddities is an insane tea party with an exhauted dormouse and an insane hare and an equally mad hatter. Alice has many adventures through this insane world, and there are a couple lovable characters such as Alice herself and the Cheshire Cat, who disappears with a grin. All this in more can be found in this childrens' classic.

Recommended to: anyone who is interested in trippy fantasy or has listened to Jefferson Airplane's 'White Rabbit'

1 comment:

Gina said...

"and meets many animals who are offended by almost everything"