Sunday, October 21, 2012

Great Expectations

Great Expectations
By: Charles Dickens
Reviewed by: Bernadette D., 14
Rating: It was amazing!

For someone who isn't really a big fan of classics, I actually enjoyed this book! Dating back to the Victorian era of London,Great Expectations is the narrative of a young boy as he grows into manhood. This boy, Pip, is a young blacksmith who dreams of becoming a gentleman in order to be worthy enough for his one and only love, Estella. Pip inherits a sum of money and great expectations. Charles Dickens intricately weaves romance and mystery and self-reflection in one outstanding novel. Though in this modern time, the victorian english is difficult to comprehend, that in itself was another puzzle and mystery!

Are you the kind of person who likes to avoid classic books? Well Great Expectations is about to put your fear of classics to rest! Dating back to the Victorian era, a young boy named Pip grows into a gentleman. Great Expectations is the narrative of this boy as he has great expectations. This book is absolutely filled with romance and mystery. For someone who isn't a big fan of old classics, I really enjoyed this novel!

Recommended to: Anyone who enjoys great literature!  Romance and Mystery lovers or just anyone who loves to read.

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