Wednesday, October 17, 2012


View full imageGerminal
By: Emile Zola
Reviewed by:  Emily P., 17
Rating:  Really liked it.

Germinal, the classic novel by Emile Zola, touches upon the struggles of the working class to gain justice from the uncaring companies that control them, a topic that is still relevant today. Etienne Lantier, an unemployed railway worker, finds himself work at the local mines of Mountsou, where he is horrified by the conditions of the people who live and work there. Inspired by his revolutionary friends and the pamphlets he's read, he aims to unite the workers in a strike against the mining company, hoping that by stopping work the company will give concessions to the workers. However, the situation grows worse as time goes on, leaving Etienne wondering if the strike should have even began in the first place and leaves him with a growing disillusion of the movement he started. The book is still relevant today, with workers conditions being even more pressing with today's global economy and the urgent need for such reforms that come with it. Germinal is definitely a must read for anyone who is interested in reading about not only French history but also about the constant struggle of the working man.

Recommended to:  Those who are interested in the classics, history, and social justice. Also, Victor Hugo fans.

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