Monday, August 3, 2009

The Will of the Empress

The Will of the Empress

By: Tamora Pierce
Reviewed by: Annabelle L., 15
Rating: It was amazing!

Sandry, Tris, Briar, and Daja. Four young and brilliant ambient mages that became the Circle, a bond that no one could break. Except themselves and time...

Traveling- or not- and having adventures beyond that that which their foster-brother/sisters can comprehend, each mage blocks their mind to their beloved friends; Sandry especially having a hard time to accept the changes within their group.

The Empress of Namorn shows discontempt that Sadry- an heiress in birthright- have neglected her duties in the Namorn Empire. Travelling, toward the Empress' birdcage of fun and danger, they found out they have been tricked, and the Empress wants them to stay- forever. Can the four mages work together and overcome what blocks them from being what they have been before?

Tamora Pierce's fantasy world of The Circle series brings you to the place of Namorn, where virtually the Empress holds all power; what she wills, it is given. You see the development of the already setted character that (if you have read Tamora Pierce's earlier books) you know and love. From new words in Namornese to the descriptions of the workings of the different magics, you deal with fantasy at its highest.

I extremely enjoyed this book, I consider a great final wrapping around the four friends and coming together, even if there are more books coming out. It shows that friendship can stick through thick and thin.

Recommended to: anyone after reading Pierce's books prior to this one; fantasy lovers


gothiclolitamaiden said...

I completely agree with you, Tamora Pierce's books are amazing. The amount of detail in her writing, and in her world-building, makes everything she writes utterly engrossing. I'm about to start reading "Bloodhound" the second book in the Bekah Cooper series. It's been a bit of a long wait, but I'm sure it'll be worth it!

gothiclolitamaiden said...

I completely agree with you, Tamora Pierce's books are amazing. The amount of detail in her writing, and in her world-building, makes everything she writes utterly engrossing. I'm about to start reading "Bloodhound" the second book in the Bekah Cooper series. It's been a bit of a long wait, but I'm sure it'll be worth it!

Paige G. said...

I haven't read this book yet, but I am familiar with Tamora's other books. I'm particularly fond of The Trickter's Choice and the Trickter's Queen. Excellent books and I love Tamora's writing style. I'll have to check out this series as well.