Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

By: J.K. Rowling
Reviewed by: Meena , 16
Rating: It was amazing!

From the very first page, i was captivated. It was as if some unknown force was keeping that book glued to my hands. Every page contains vital information that keeps the story twisting and turning. The three main characters Harry, Hermione, and Ron are some of the best characters i have ever gotten to know. Whenever i put the book down, it is as if i am coming back into reality, because this book takes me to another world of magic.

Even though this is the last book of a seven part series, i am still just as interested as i was when i was reading the first book. It is as if the author only gets better with time. This book is not just some silly magic book that talks about wands and broomsticks, it is actually a novel that takes its audience to another world that everyone only dreams of living in.

Recommended to: anyone who wants to read a good book


gothiclolitamaiden said...

I. Totally. Agree.

Kayleigh said...

Good review! I definitely can relate to the unknown force gluing your hands to the book! And it's certainly a world I'd love to live in too!