Monday, August 3, 2009

The Twelve Kingdoms: Sea of Shadow

The Twelve Kingdoms: Sea of Shadow

By: Fuyumi Ono
Reviewed by: Annabelle L., 15
Rating: Really liked it

Yoko Nakajima is an ordinary Japanese high school girl. Good grades, good girl, good student, somebody who you know won't get into trouble. But, she's been having nightmares of strange demons and beasts coming closer, and closer, for HER.

All of a sudden, a magnificent fellow with the most distinguished blond hair comes and says, "You are my master." Thus, her world becomes out of controlled. Pulled away from her daily boring life in Japan, she goes with the man named Keiki, while demons are right on their tail. Thrown apart from him, she comes to a radically changed world, where she- a kaikyaku, or one from the Other Side- is a 'bad' omen.

But, is that really all? Fuyumi Ono captures Chinese classics, yet twists it to create a whole new fantasy with Twelve Kingdoms.

Could Yoko trust anyone in this bizarre world? Of course, she has her sword that Keiki entrusted her, but would she be strong enough to kill? Is there a way back home?

At first, it wasn't just that enticing to me, but as I read on I became more intrigued with the plotline and the character development of Yoko. Not only that, but with Yoko, you come to explore a small portion of the vast world that is the Twelve Kingdoms and learn how fantastical it really is, though it does have its bad sides. The good and the bad combine, you can maybe even see yourself and some traits that you wish you had or didn't have; just as Yoko herself takes the journery to become who she really is.

Recommended to: anyone into the fantasy genre or an interest in it

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