Thursday, August 27, 2009

500 Days of Summer

500 Days of Summer

Directed By: Marc Webb
Reviewed by: Matt, 13
Rating: It was amazing!

I had to say when I first heard about this movie, I was absolutely dying to see it. After seeing it, I'm dying to see it again. The movie progressed randomly, because it started after Tom (the main male character)had been dumped by Summer (the main female character) and went back to day one. This is not a love story, Tom fell in love with Summer and thought it was some cosmic thing and that they were soul mates. After going through an urban Odyssey of love and mental anguish, Summer ends up believing in cosmic "love" and Tom... Tom moves on, and sees that its coincidence when it comes to love. This film was, in my opinion, well written and acted, and should be seen. As well as this, the music was quite good.

Recommended to: anyone really, just watch out for content if you have any issues with that.


Gina said...

Matt, I just saw this yesterday! I, too, lubbed the style and the music. My fav part was the expectations/reality sequence.

Great review!

awesomeVa said...

Thanks, now you make me want to see 500 Days of Summer so badly. I heard is so...good and you might be right. :)