Friday, October 24, 2008

Black Cat Anime Volume 1

Black Cat Anime Volume 1

By: Ellen Schreiber
Reviewed by: gothiclolitamaiden, 15
Rating: It was alright...

This series is about an assassin, a bounty hunter, a thief, and a bioweapon. The choice of cast could eventually lead to problems, like a morbidly depressing story line, but surprisingly it can be a little bit heartwarming. Even if Train (aka the assassin) has no personality. The episodes start with a rock opener, which I enjoyed immensely and am still hunting for the mp3. The closer can be mildly irritating when it gets stuck in your head, but it's fun. The animation is good, though I'm not an expert in that department. Each character design is distinct and some of the characters (aside from Train), especially Sven (aka the bouunty hunter) and Eve (aka the bioweapon), have really interesting personalities. The plotline, as I mentioned earlier, is not depressing (most of the time) but there is some comedy that could be timed a little better. For the most part, the voice acting on the English dubbed track is on par with the Japanese, and at times, better. I want to continue watching Black Cat and I would consider buying one of the DVDs.

Recommended to: Fans of action anime with a little bit of heart. It's rated PG, but there is a little blood and suggestive themes, so you may not want younger children watching it

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

By the way, Black Cat isn't directed by Ellen Schreiber, it's directed by Shin Itagaki. Thought I'd point it out.