Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Time Traveler's Wife

The Time Traveler's Wife

By: Audrey Niffenegger
Reviewed by: awesomeVia, 16
Rating: It was alright...

I remember that a few months ago I reviewed the movie of the same name. Just recently, I happened to pick up the book of which the motion picture was adapted from.

The book has some parts that the movie missed out on but is undertsandable because there are some things movie technology cannot recreate and also would make the movie run too long. Some of the scenes seem to be more graphically described than in the movie. And the beginning and end of the book was very different than the movie.
On the book itself, I find Henry with a chrono-displacement disorder (which causes him to time-travel when stressed) kind of awkward because at the same time, his clothes fall off. I do acknowledge Clare's good patience and love for Henry for always making her wait and etcetera. And anyways, it is another sappy romance...and the ending is sad. Also, the graphic parts may make someone with a sensitive stomach vomit...

Recommended to: fans of romance novels, women

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