Friday, September 10, 2010

Fahrenheit 451

Fahrenheit 451

By: Ray Bradbury
Reviewed by: Kayleigh , 16
Rating: It was amazing!

Guy Montag lights a match and they all go up in the flames. All of the knowledge, time, effort that went into them…gone. He is a fireman, but his job is to burn books. It eats away at him and makes him question everything he stands for. All it takes is one young girl who to make him think about the world differently.

Anyone who loves reading will be intrigued by this book. Stylistically it is well written. There is rhythm, symbolism and allusions that enhance the meaning of this book. Bradbury also poses questions that the readers must think about and judge for themselves. The characters are well developed and the story line is interesting. Anyone who claims they love reading will love this book for its unique subject and stylistic appeal.

Recommended to: anyone who says they love reading

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