Friday, September 17, 2010

Lord of the Flies

Lord of the Flies

By: William Golding
Reviewed by: calmebabby, 15
Rating: Really liked it

The book Lord of the Flies is about young teen aged boys, around 13 and younger, who are stranded on an island after their plane crashed and all the adults in the plain died. The fight for survival against the 'beast' that lives within the island brings fear to the other boys. Which leads them to separate into two groups. One with Ralph as the leader, and the other named Jack who is more savage like. Golding wrote this book after his experience in World War II when his perspective in life changed. This book is about the human self, and how savage like we can be. Ralph now has to find a way for rescue to come, yet watch out for Jack who now has a blood thirst to kill.

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1 comment:

Kayleigh said...

I read this my sophomore year and really enjoyed it. Definately worth reading. Nice review!