Monday, June 22, 2009

Twice Upon a Marigold

Twice Upon a Marigold

By: Jean Ferris
Reviewed by: Lizzie, 17
Rating: It was alright...

Queen Marigold and King Christian are now married, but they soon learn that "Happily Ever After" isn't around the corner just yet.

This book was funny, and enjoyable. But it wasn't what I expected. Let me explain.

In the begining Marigold and Christian have a argument, which turns out be really funny and amusing. That part was good, because I was hoping for some "couple" drama. It continues like this, for about half of the book. Why? Because since Quuen Olympia returned [she got back her memory], the Kingdom turns for the worse.

Sure, Marigold and Christian had some fights (in some parts, they didn't talk to each other), but it was left behind in the background, in the fact that they were too concentrated in restoring back the Kingdom from Olympia. It's like I knew they had problems, but it was not really focused on- well not enough. However, it was still amusing enough to keep me reading.

New characters are brought into the story, which is not really a bad thing. Lazy Susan and Mr. Lucasa were funny, but I didn't really care for them. The story had a humorous tone to it, which I indeed expected.

There wasn't cussing or sexual content, which again in my book, is a A+! In a way, it was a disappointment, because I wanted to see more of Christian and Marigold's relationship, in a deeper depth.

Still a good book, though.

Recommended to: Anyone who likes fairytales, etc.

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