Monday, June 22, 2009

The Tapestry: The Hound of Rowan

The Tapestry: The Hound of Rowan

By: Henery H. Neff
Reviewed by: Lizzie, 17
Rating: Really liked it

Max McDaniels is a just a normal 12 year old boy, when he is discovered to be someone very special and important in the world of Rowan.

This book was something really different, from what I have read. At first, It reminded me of Harry Potter (though I never read it). What it made it seem similar was the fact that it had an Academy for special people, and their mystic powers. However, after reading this book, it can be said that Harry Potter and The Tapestry are both creative, and different in their own right.

I liked how the begining of the book started. It wasn't confusing, and I could already see that Max seemed like a 'normal' 12 year old kid. Okay. So far so good. He goes into a Art Insitute, where he stumbles upon a tapestry. The pictures seem to be moving.

**Honestly, I really didn't get that part.

After that, he finds a note in his pocket, telling him that vistor from Rowan Academy would be visiting him. That's where everything starts, apparently.

Now, when I got further into the story, it did confusing. Why? Because it seems that the story (ex. Rowan) are based on Irish folktales, etc. The names (as you can imagine) can get little confusing. But in saying that, it was interesting. I never really cared for or understood the Irish culture, but now I have come to appreciate it more.

What I really liked also, was how the author gave each charactor a key and distintive role in the story. What kind of bothered me though, was the fact that, why couldn't it be a girl who was special, and had those special powers? Daniel (Max's friend) and Max himself are important in this book, because they hold the key to defeating the evil forces, etc. It's usually the male (s) who have the key role in a story, which get's pretty annoying.

Anyways, it was a good book. It did make me smile, and laugh. However, I suggest you read the book slowly, because you can get confused. I am a pretty quick reader, I even had to stop and re-read. Also, this book is a series:


Recommended to: Anyone who enjoys Magic, etc.

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