Monday, April 27, 2009



By: George Orwell
Reviewed by: Jack Attack, 13
Rating: Really liked it

George Orwell tells the story of a repressive, totalitarian regime led by the mysterious "Big Brother." Winston Smith, an ordinary man, sets out with a secret organization to destroy the completely-powerful government.

Big Brother has grown so powerful that any tiny detail in the history of Oceania can be changed in a moment; after all, Winston shows that even the dates in 1984 are transmutable; the people of Oceania have grown so brainwashed that they believe every lie said to them by their government.

That tiny detail about dates makes 1984 as timely today as it was when it was first published in 1949. Orwell states that he wrote it to demonstrate how much of a threat dictatorship, fascism, and communism is in any place and time.

Orwell's writing style uses simple, yet precise language that keeps the reader turning the page. 1984 draws you in even more than Animal Farm, which is saying something. Reading it sparks weeks of deeper thoughts without making the reader feel as if he/she is doing English homework. If nothing else, its a hugely entertaining way to exercise your mind. As dull as that may sound, 1984 is guaranteed to give you a few chills and perhaps even a couple of nightmares about the potent danger that is repressive government.

Recommended to: Anyone 14+ interested in politics or conspiracy theories.


Catherine said...

I've had to read this book for school and I also happened to really enjoy it...I'd recommend Orwell's "Animal Farm", another really well written book!

Cindy said...

Well, this is something I totally expected you to read. Now, I have to find myself a copy. :]