Tuesday, November 25, 2008

New Moon

New Moon

By: Stephenie Meyer
Reviewed by: Cindy, 14
Rating: Hated it!

To be fair, I gave the sequel to Twilight a try. It actually made me dislike the story even more.

The issue that bothered me the most was Bella's attitude for most of the story. She was practically suicidal. And since the target group of this book is female teens, I don't believe this was a healthy choice for such a susceptible group.

The book had a very annoying whiny tone to it. It was a bore to read and there still wasn't a plot. For such a long novel to NOT have a plot is a true annoyance.

The characters were a little one dimensional. I really didn't care much for them.

In the end, I believe this series is over glorified and I do not plan on further reviewing it.

Recommended to: No one.


Anonymous said...

I read all of the Twilight series and watched the movie for Twilight.
I disagree and I think that New Moon is a great book that leads to Eclipse and Breaking Dawn, even better books. I will admit that New Moon wasn't the best book in the series but it was a good book. If you have read Twilight, i think you should go on and read the rest of the books in the series!!!

Anonymous said...

I read all of the Twilight series and watched the movie for Twilight.
I disagree and I think that New Moon is a great book that leads to Eclipse and Breaking Dawn, even better books. I will admit that New Moon wasn't the best book in the series but it was a good book. If you have read Twilight, i think you should go on and read the rest of the books in the series!!!

Anonymous said...

AMEN!!!!! The reviews on the first book, and this one, is wonderful. You seriously put to words what I feel about those books.

Faythe said...

I completely agree with your review. I wanted to burn it when I was done since I hated Bella so much. I've read the third book, but can't bring myself to finish the fourth.

Anonymous said...

I kinda agree with your review, but for a different reason. but still a good review

Anonymous said...

I agree. This book seems to suggest that Bella is nothing without her man. It's not the worst in the series (*cough* BREAKING DAWN IS *cough*). And yes, all of the background characters are one-dimensional, since so much is focused on Bella and Edward's somewhat unhealthy relationship. I do like the fact that Stephenie Meyer conveys the character's feelings fairly well.

Anonymous said...

You're right about the suicidal thing, by the way, it isn't healthy. The fourth book seems to support getting married early (shortly after graduation).

Paige G. said...

Couldn't agree more. Bella does dangerously stupid stuff to hear the voice of her ex-boyfriend in her head. Where, I ask, have all the main characters with spines gone?