Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Isabel of the Whales

Isabel of the Whales

By: Hester Velmans
Reviewed by: Kristin S., 13
Rating: Really liked it

Hester Velmens's book, Isabel of the Whales, is a story about finding the inner you.

When Isabel's whale watching trip is turned upside down by the boat seeing a "congregation" of whales, Isabel is knocked off the boat, and into the Atlantic. There, she discovers she can talk to whales.

But, there's a catch to that. She was turned into a whale! Onijonah, her teacher, tells her that she's a mermaid, one who can turn from human to whale to human again.

Throughout the story, Isabel is learning new things about herself and others. Along the way, she finds herself in love with a whale named Jessaloup. When she gets badly injured by a bunch of sharks, the leader, a blue whale, says she has to return to land. Jessaloup confesses he loves her and needs her to stay. But, she has to get to the advanced medical care of doctors. So, she beaches herself and turns back into a human after a year of being a whale. She never forgot Jessaloup.

I think it was great, though it could've used a little more romance between Jessaloup and Isabel. But then again, I ask for a lot in books. In spite of that, I've read it seven times. Isabel of the Whales is a kind of book you'll want to read.

Recommended to: Anyone 11+ who loves a great sea tale with a twist.

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