Saturday, May 2, 2009

Forever Princess

Forever Princess

By: Meg Cabot
Reviewed by: Lizzie, 17
Rating: Didn't like it

Forever Princess is the last book in the series, following Mia's life, and thoughts.

Ugh, I have to be honest about this. I was at the library looking through books. I saw this particular book, and I decided that it looked good. Here's the catch, I didn't know it was a series. Anyhow, I did realize it, when it said "Mia thermapolis". I know a movie was based on one of the books. And, I knew too, that it was the last book in the series. Duh, it says cleary in the pages.

So I decided to read it. When I got through the pages, I was already annoyed. "Mia" kept over going the "OMG" cliche. How annoying can she get? Now, her whole attitude and tone in the book, was so amazingly dumb. You would think that, just because I didn't read the OTHER books, I wouldn't understand what's going on. Oh But I did, alright.

The only reason I continued reading, was because I wanted to know more about this "michael" business. He at least, made me bear the whole book. I thought it was sort of cute (did I just say cute?) about the whole Mia/Michael relationship. Probably the best way to describe her is this: An ignorant bubble head. Sorry to those who like it, but this is how I feel about it.

Maybe the word corny fits this book, too.

Recommended to: Anyone who can turn boredom into excitement.

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