Tuesday, May 26, 2009

17 Again

17 Again

Directed by: Burr Steers
Reviewed by: Lynna, 17
Rating: Really liked it

This was a really nicely-written movie, although I was a little confused in the beginning with Mike and his girlfriend and all that, but I now know it's because she was pregnant...

Anyway, I really liked this movie, and not wholly because Zac was in it, as most of my friends went to watch it for, but because the trailers and whole idea was unique and seemed like a good watch. I liked how the ending and beginning was tied together, and there was a lot of funny parts - I especially laughed when Mike's daughter felled for him - his 17-year-old self. Now THAT was awkward, but it was hilarious, nevertheless.

I didn't really think the pairing of Zac Efron and Matthew Perry as one person was believable since they look absolutely NOTHING alike, but all in all, still two great actors in a great movie. Zac has a nice smile, I might add... just, if you're looking forward to seeing the movie, then you can look forward to more of that. :P

Recommended to: Mostly, Teens

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