Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

By: Mildred D. Taylor
Reviewed by: Henry L., 12
Rating: It was alright...

In Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, it is about a African-American family who have to live through the challenges of racism and prejudice in Mississippi during the mid 1930's.

This book uses many similes and metaphors to describe the characters and setting. Also, Roll of Thunder has many themes. The book shows realism by the fact that in this time, nightmen (Caucasian men who strongly hated African-Americans) would tar and feather, kill, or burn houses down, which would happen in real life at this time period.

In the beginning of the story, Cassie, the main character, and her siblings don't know about racism. The Logan family own land, while the rest of the African-American families they know don't. As the plot goes on, there are stories of what the nightmen did to many African-American families. So, Mr. Morrison comes to help out and to protect the family. Eventually, something happens to T.J., Stacy Logan's friend, and it's your job to find out what happens.

Recommended to: people who like historical fiction literature.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I must disagree with you and say that this book is more than alright. It is much more exciting than most of the books that I've had to read in school (I had to read it in eighth grade, not that I minded much) and it's very well written.