Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My Brother Sam is Dead

My Brother Sam is Dead

Directed by: James Lincoln Collier and Christopher Collier
Reviewed by: Henry L., 12
Rating: Really liked it

Tim Meeker, a 14 year old boy, is in the time of the Revolutionary War, with his family torn apart.

His brother, Sam Meeker, is in the Continental army,while Eliphalet Meeker, his father, is loyal to the English king. Now, the Revolutionary War is raging and Tim knows he'll have to make a choice of fighting his father on one side or fighting his brother on the other.

The book is described through the eyes of Tim Meeker. Through Tim, there are a few themes that are shown, foreshadow of what will happen next, and symbols. Now it's your turn to find out what will happen to Tim and his family and what Tim Meeker wants you to see.

Recommended to: people who like historical fiction books or people who are interested about the daily life of someone in the Revolutionary War.


Cindy said...

We read this in my English Class when I was in eight grade. It started out slow but by the end of the story, I was hooked. It had beautiful characterization and historically correct. Tim's development was so realistic, it reminded me why I love historical non-fiction so much. It actually had me tearing up a bit.

Cindy said...

Okay, I just realized I made a lot of grammatical mistakes in my previous comment.. Eighth grade not eight grade. WAS historically correct. Lastly, historical fiction not non-fiction. [I had to do this... Or it would have bothered me forever.]