Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Pretty Face

Pretty Face

Reviewed By: Kaohlee M.
By: Mary Hogan
Rating: It was amazing!

It wasn't just about loving yourself but about falling in love in the process. Hayley is always pressured of her weight and her attitude towards it makes me love her character. She hates her size but yet she embrace it. She jokes around with it even if it did hurt her and when she leaves to Italy for a summer trip, she takes on a new adventure. She realizes that she has to love herself and while being there, she falls in love. She experience a new life, a new her. The boy she meets there just sounds wonderful too because he gives her attention and takes her on hikes and scenery she would have never gone if it wasn't for him, Enzo. The thing I hated the most about this book was the end. Basically she had to return home and that just breaks my heart of the bond her and Enzo had.

I would recommend this to: I recommend this book to friends.

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