Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Always a Witch

Always a Witch

By: Carolyn MacCullough

Reviewed by: Tahrima, age 14

Rating: It was all right...

This book was pretty good, but took a long while to get into. It's nice plot was embedded so far into the overabundance of details and side stories that it was difficult to remember all the main points. I would have enjoyed it more if the author hadn't put in so many sensory details. This did enhance the picture in my head but made the book far too wordy. I had to reread paragraphs several times to get back into it at some parts. This book was enjoyable to a point, but after reading it for too long I stopped being interested. I read like a good Fanfiction, which is by no means a bad thing, but gives you an idea of how incredibly detailed it was. I would only recommend this book to avid fantasy readers, and I do think that most of the people that enjoy fantasy would enjoy it. I read the two books out of order, so I think it works well as a standalone book, and will also be enjoyed by people who liked the first book.

I would recommend this to: Ages 13 and up

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