Friday, June 3, 2011

The Crucible

The Crucible

By: Arthur Miller
Reviewed by: Szoghi, 17
Rating: It was alright...

This book is actually an interesting book to read. I recommend reading a little bit about the Salem Witch trials in order to have some background information on the story. During the time period, there was a mass hysteria about witchcraft, which led to the accusations of many people, some of which were executed. In this story, a group of girls, led by Abigail Williams, pretend to be victims of witchcraft, and so they accuse many people they don't like of being witches. The town, stricken with fear, executes many of these innocent beings. One of the characters, John Proctor, has had a dalliance with Abigail before. Thus, out of jealousy of John's wife Elizabeth, Abigail accuses her of witchcraft. They go into a trial, in which John, his wife, and many others are executed. My response to this book is ambiguous because although it is very interesting, I become frustrated since every leader and judge is so incompetent and just blindly executes people.

Recommended to: Ages 14 and Up

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