Friday, April 15, 2011

Knight Angels: Book of Love

Knight Angels: Book of Love

By: Abra Ebner
Reviewed by: Jade, 14
Rating: Really liked it

knight angels is told from about 5 different p.o.v.'s. it's about a girl (Jane) who was supposed to die in a car crash with her father when she was little, but surprisingly survived thanks to her guardian angel. her sister Emily can read minds while Jane can see how a person might die by being around them or by touching them. when the 2 new boys come to their high school, Jane feels drawn to one (max) while Emily has a very bad feeling about both of them. when she passes by max, she hears calm whispering.... like a death lullaby but when she passes Greg (other brother) she hears all kinds of voices screaming at once. Emily knows something is wrong with Greg but is caught in his trap. Jane, max, and Wes (Jane's old best friend and a shape-shifter) must save Emily from Greg before it's too late..

Recommended to: anyone

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