Wednesday, February 23, 2011



By: Sharon Dogar
Reviewed by: Esther, 13
Rating: Really liked it

You may have read Anne Frank's diary and you know her side of the story, but how about Peter van Pels, the boy who lived for days on end with her in those cramped quarters?*Spoiler Alert* Okay, so to be truthful, I never read Anne Frank's diary, but this book makes me want to. The story starts of with Peter before he went to live in the Annex, lovesick for a girl named Lise. He's mad that he has to live in the Annex, mad that he's not fighting the Nazi,mad that he has to study, mad that he has to live with the Franks, especially mad that he has to live with Anne Frank, an annoying know it all who talks all the time and breaks about everything. But as the story goes on, Anne and Peter begins to spend a lot of time together, and even start to fall in love. But later in the story the get separated when the Nazis find them.

The prologue and the ending is a bit weird because you find out later that he's dead at this point. The epilogue was just facts about what happened and was not written from Peter's point of view. It was written from the author just stating facts. The book in a whole is really good and captures the story and all the facts really well.

Recommended to: anybody

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