Monday, December 20, 2010



By: Scott Westerfeld
Reviewed by: Kait, 16
Rating: It was amazing!

Here begin my series of reviews reflecting the utter fabulosity that is Scott Westerfield. I promise you that "So Yesterday" is the only Westerfield that was sub-par.

So we all know about the vampire craze

Everyone seems to credit Stephenie Meyer and her failisms as the source, when in reality Scott Westerfield started it. But his take on vampirism is way way cool.

(This is where it starts getting a scoche inappropriate for the kiddies in here - fair warning.)

He treats vampirism as an STD.

Way cool right?

Basically the way it works is that "vampires" are infected with a parasite that increases your desire to bite people, as a way of spreading the parasite. The narrator is Cal, a carrier of the disease (meaning he is infected but didn't turn into a raving, blood-sucking lunatic) who is trying to figure out who infected him and what exactly is going on. Way way WAY cool.

Westerfield also starts off in between chapters with little anecdotes about parasites. Most people get grossed out by this, but in actually it's (wait for it) way cool. The whole point is to explain why parasites are so important and dangerous and vital to the great Circle of Life, ("But Dad, don't we eat the antelope?" "Yes, Simba, but let me explain. When we die, our bodies become the grass. Then, the antelope eat the grass. And thus we are all a part of the great Circle of Life.") but I just find lancet flukes and wolbachia and all of that good stuff ridiculously awesome. Call it my inner ten-year-old boy getting his fill of grody-ness.

In other words, this book is great. Great plot, great imagery, great character development, great historical perspective. All that good stuff.

So read it. Or else.

And then read my review of the sequel. Or else.

And then read the sequel. Or else.

"Or else what?" you ask. I haven't the foggiest.

Peace kids :)

Recommended to: 16 and over for some 'less than appropriate' plotline


Faythe said...

Kait, I had to take out the >.< in your post because it was messing with the code!

Kait said...

Sorry Faythe! Just trying to be expressive ;)