Monday, December 20, 2010

So Yesterday

So Yesterday

By: Scott Westerfeld
Reviewed by: Kait, 16
Rating: It was alright...

Okay, so in the next few days you are all going to be getting my reviews for the rest of Scott Westerfield's lovely collection of post-apocalyptic and/or semi-futuristic fiction. I'm going to start with "So Yesterday," but when I compare it to the rest of his work just deal with it :)

"So Yesterday" was good....
The plot was good...
The character development was good......

Are you getting the picture here?

This novel was pretty average. While it had the typical Westerfield semi-futuristic take on a decidedly female topic (in this case, fashion trends) I really felt that he didn't take it as far as he could have. I was ridiculously excited to read it after the review given me by the friend who lent me the book. I was told that the lead male met the lead female because "her shoelaces reminded him of the sunrise." Which is AWESOME RIGHT???? Totally sold me on the book before I read it!

That's not how they met. Kind of. Rather, her shoelaces reminded him of "the old Japanese rising sun flag." Which, while still cool, is infinitely less exciting.

The thing to do with this novel is to basically skim through it and substitute your own descriptive language/metaphors/adjectives. It really becomes infinitely better that way.

I'm not saying the book was bad, it just really failed to meet my exceedingly high expectations. If you read my future reviews about the rest of the Westerfield novels, you will understand just how high the bar was set.

That being said, if you aren't hyper-critical like me, read it. Definitely. It is in NO way a waste of your time. But if you're like me, be prepared for a mild "That was it?" feeling.

Peace kids :)

Recommended to: Young adult

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