Monday, October 25, 2010

The Bet's On, Lizzie Bingman!

The Bet's On, Lizzie Bingman!

By: Rhea Beth Ross
Reviewed by: Lizzie, 18
Rating: It was amazing!

Lizzie Bingman is a 14 year old girl, who thinks women should be treated equal. She makes a bet with her brothers about it, and finds herself tangled in a series of unfortunate events.

I really love this book. When I first read it, she reminded me of myself. We share the name "Lizzie" and have the same outlook about things. Difference is, she is living in a time where woman were still didn't have the right to vote. The joy.

The theme (I think) in this book, is "growing up" in the sense that you see things differently, in the view that you hold. It's interesting how the author made Lizzie a feminist, yet she questions her own self, in a world that believed woman were "things".

For example, she has a crush like romance with Teddy. One night on her birthday, he gave her a kiss. She liked it (haha the romance!), yet she wasn't sure if she liked the control he had when he pulled her to him. Interesting story moments like this, makes you feel that Lizzie is a identifiable character. She IS a teenage girl (with feminist thinking), so of course it makes sense that she would question the very nature of "how much does men control".

I think Lizzie's character, is an example of woman in that time (well anytime I suppose, but this is a specific movement that changed the world) that had those thoughts, that challenged society and one's self. However, she is not the only one that had a good character development. Her brother Jack was an opposing aspect of what women were and weren't.

In conclusion, I probably would have liked a different ending, but it was still good. I can't complain. This book had adventure, some romance, and a very important topic that girls today shouldn't forget. It's our history.

Recommended to: Those who love history, feminists, etc.

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