Friday, March 13, 2009

New Moon

New Moon

By: Stephenie Meyer
Reviewed by: Paige G., 15
Rating: Hated it!

Although the flaws with this book are absolutely countless, I would like to focus on one: Bella tries to kill herself just so she can hear her ex-boyfriend's voice. Anyone see something wrong with that?

I mean honestly people! What kind of message is she trying to send to the youth of the world? That you, as a teenage girl, are nothing without your man? That you should commit suicide if he breaks up with you?

Whatever happened to the strong herionesses? A main character with some spine and independence? In New Moon, Bella is just...pathetic. Granted, she is pathetic in all the books, but especially in the second of the ridiculous saga.

Secondly, although I think Edward is an unrealisitcally perfect fantasy, I think it was a huge mistake on Stephanie's part to basically knock him out of the storyline for almost the entirety of the book, and to be replaced by the completely annoying and womanizing Jacob. No one wants to read about him. The general population of teen girls (excluding me) want to read about Edward!

And finally, anyone think that it is a little odd that some guy is in love with her because she smells good? And he watches her sleep?

Recommended to: Absolutely nobody. Even my worst enemy.


Anonymous said...

Well I'm not exactly on the same boat as you. I didn't think it was that horrible, for one thing. I mean, Meyer is not the best writer of all time, but you'd have to give her credit for making up something really magical and creative.

Also, you seem to be kinda entranced with Edward (as you're wanting to read about him more in the novel), yet you totally despise his flawless characteristics... pick a side.

Reading these kind of fantasies require your part as a reader to accept it for what it is and dive into the storyline as you're reading it. You seem so close-minded with this whole thing, I'm surprised you pulled through the whole dictionary-of-a-book...

Anonymous said...

I totally agree. I mean, seriously, the book and the writer itself is overated. I sorta got lost when you said you disliked edward, but you wanted to read more about him?

Anonymous said...

I think what she meant was that most teenaged readers want to read about Edward, and that Ms. Meyer made the mistake of taking him out of this book, and therefore, she lost the interest of many readers. Most twi-hards I talk to hate New Moon, and I assume that it is because Edward is absent for most of the book. I don't think Paige was saying that she missed Edward.

Janette said...

True that, I hated this book in the series.

Gina said...

Paige, for an awesome girl character (and a fabulous story), check out The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau Banks. It's about a girl who infiltrates an all-male secret society at her school. I think you'll really like it.

Cindy said...

I'm in the same boat as you. :]
Well, except for one part. I didn't find Jacob too annoying. He was a pretty realistic character. He got annoying later...