Friday, April 2, 2010

The Sea of Monsters

The Sea of Monsters

By: Rick Riordan
Reviewed by: Karthik, 13
Rating: It was amazing!

In the sea of monsters Percy must save camp, again. Thalia's tree, a pine that protdcts the park with its magical ailities has been poisened and the only way to rescue it is to get the golden fleece. A magical item that heals everything. But to get the fleece Percy must go to the sea of mosters or "as we mortals now it" the bermuda triangle. Will Percy be able to get the fleece in time? Will he be able to defeat Luke, a turncoat? And will he loose someone he is close to?

This book is absoultely amazing and will capivate all readers, even those who have skiped the first book then gone back. It will provide 300 odd pages of amazing read. I recomend it to all.

Recommended to: anyone

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