Monday, April 26, 2010

The Last Olympian

The Last Olympian

By: Rick Riordan
Reviewed by: Karthik, 13
Rating: It was amazing!

In the last book of the series Percy Jackson is about to fulfill the propecy that occurs on the day he turns 16. That day is less than a week away when the Titan Lord Kronos prepares to launch his armies against the olmpians. But all the gods are away fighting the monster Typhoon, so all that stands between Mount Olympus and the Titan army is 40 demi-gods lead by Percy jackson. And then of course there are the statues and party ponies, but essentially just Percy Jackson and 40 campers. This book is the closure to the Percy Jackson series, and such is the best and most readable. I finished the book in just 4 hours of non-stop reading. This book is just as good if not better than any harry potter. I highly recomend.

Recommended to: fans of the series and anyone else

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