Friday, January 30, 2009

Breaking Dawn

Breaking Dawn

By: Stephenie Meyer
Reviewed by: Missy, 16
Rating: Really liked it

Ok, I think this is the best book out of the series. It had alot of twists to it that oyu never expected. Some of the parts you just cant stop laughing, while other parts you want to cry... well, not that much. I think the story did have a terrible ending to it though, it still sounds like it needs alot more describing of the newest of charecters that she put in.

I think it was really descriptive, and keeps you wanting to read.
I would describe more of it, but that will spoil the series if you plan on reading them.

Recommended to: vampire, romance

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Breaking Dawn was pretty funny, especially Jacob's blond jokes, but it never made me want to cry, and I must disagree with you: it is not the best book, in my opinion. Why? Because Bella keeps her halfling baby, lives happily ever after with her husband and human parents (when we all thought that she would never see them again because it would endanger them) and Jacob imprints on the aforementioned halfling. Everyone's happy, except for Irina, but we do not mourn her death because we barely knew her or her sisters. Some of the characters had the potential to be so interesting, but, as you said, they weren't developed, partly because Stephenie Meyer takes too much time describing Edward's perfection and reminding us of his godliness about every other page or so. And you're right, the ending is terrible.