Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I Promise

I Promise

Directed by: Robin Jones Gunn
Reviewed by: Ruth, 13
Rating: It was amazing!

It's a great Christian book for girls, and it really captures your attention, that God already planned the right man/guy for you, and that we should wait. It's about this girl named Christy, who is in love with this guy named Todd. I Promise is the last book of the Christy Miller series. They have been in love for a long time, and have dated through all of their college years. When Todd finally proposed to Christy, she said yes, they learn more about each other, and the differences they have. It also talks about how they learn to get along with each other, and fit it into each other schedules. In the end, all of their hard work of learning more about each other finally paid off. The years of waiting for each other patiently also paid off too. It's a really spiritual book, but I would recommend to read it after you read the books about Christy Miller before this.

Recommended to: Christian teens or anyone who understands the importance of true love waits.

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