Sunday, January 9, 2011

Seven Pounds

Seven Pounds

Directed By: Gabriele Mucinno
Reviewed by: awesomeVia, 16
Rating: It was alright...

This is one of the few movies (brought to you by the director who also directed "Pursuit of Happyness") that has almost made me cry. The name "Seven Pounds" comes from the fact that's how much your heart weighs.

Will Smith plays an aeronautical engineer turned IRS tax collector who sets out to change the lives of seven different people in redemption for killing seven people (six strangers and his fiancée) because he was reading a text message while driving. I liked the chemistry between Rosario Dawson and Will Smith throughout the movie. I was even anticipating the two to kiss.
The one thing I didn't like about the movie is that it was so predictable. What Ben (Will Smith) [taking on his brother Ben's identity as an IRS agent even though his name is Tim] was planning for Emily (Rosario Dawson) is so obvious and that the two subtly fall in love with each other throughout the movie. Also, Ben seemed to very stalker-like whenever he happens to pass by Emily's house.

Throughout the movie the strange things he did become more understandable as the movie progresses with the various organ donations he has made to others, the two-week hotel stay, the pet jellyfish, and etc. The scene towards the ending is very painful and understandable.

All I can say is that the movie was very, very predictable.

Recommended to: Fans of Will Smith, almost everyone

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