Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Inherit the Wind

Inherit the Wind

Directed By: Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee
Reviewed by: Kayleigh , 16
Rating: It was alright...

“The tense drama of the most explosive trial of the century!”

Maybe, maybe not. In 1955, this book was published after the play opened in New York City. It was a dramatized reenactment of the Scopes trial, also known as the widely controversial “Monkey Trial.” In this trial the State of Tennessee prosecuted John Scopes, a schoolteacher, for teaching Darwin’s Theory of Evolution. This book/play sensationalizes this trial and poses ethical questions to the reader. Should there be true separation of state or should Christian values be still upheld in school?

This book is a quick and easy read, but is thought provoking and worthwhile. My AP Composition class finished this in two days, but we analyzed the meaning of religion and science and debated the meaning of separation of church and state. This provided me a little clarity about the actual trial, which we had just glossed over in U.S. History class. I recommend reading it just to give you some background knowledge and something fun to read.

Recommended to: everyone, especially history lovers

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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