Monday, May 17, 2010

Ender's Game

Ender's Game

By: Orson Scott Card
Reviewed by: Yuuki, 14
Rating: It was amazing!

The human species have almost faced total extinction, twice, due to alien invasions. Now in order to make sure that doesn't happen again, the government is now breeding military geniuses. Ender Wiggins, a Third, is a genius among the geniuses. It is up to him to save the human race, but will he succeed?

At first, I really didn't understand what this book is about, and I wanted to put it down. As I continued to read it, I noticed myself being drawn to the book. It is suspenseful and you never know what to expect. This is the kind of book that keeps you on your feet, or the edge of your seat. \

There is also a twist in the end that caught me off guard, something I didn't expect to happen. it is a very interesting book, and Ender made me feel like a fool, a very retarded one.

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