Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Artemis Fowl - The Time Paradox

Artemis Fowl- The Time Paradox

By: Eion Colfer
Reviewed by: Cindy, 14
Rating: Really liked it

As an Artemis Fowl fan, I thought this book was great. Its not my favorite but it was up to par with the others. My favorite thing about this story was the actual paradox. I love paradoxes. My least favorite thing would have to be the moments between Artemis and Holly. In the previous books, it was just mutual respect and friendship and I loved that. I really didn't want it to turn into something romantic. I think there are already too many books like that out there.
Seeing Artemis's behavior change has also been very interesting to read. If you compare the current Artemis to the one from the first, its almost amusing.
The wit and action of the previous books were there as well.
Overall, I would really love Eion to continue this wonderful series.

Recommended to: Any Artemis Fowl fan, 12+

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I haven't read this one yet, I was barely aware it was out. I personally thought that the series was over after four (wasn't it called "The Opal Deception?"). Five was pretty good, I'll have to read this one pretty soon.