Monday, November 9, 2015

Macarons at Midnight

Macarons at Midnight

Reviewed By: Aimee E.
By: Suzanne Nelson
Rating: It was amazing!

This book is about a girl whose parents get divorced and that she has to live with her dad,older stepsister, and her newborn stepsister. She moves into this new town with her dad which she has a new home, new school, and new friends. The story starts off at a valentines day party with her stepsister, but she doesn't know anyone,so she wonders around the block and then sees a sign that says, "Enter for taste samples". So then she enters the bakery then she starts a conversation with this cute guy and at the same age as her. Once she leaves the bakery and then gets home, the next week of school she sees a sign looking for a frog princess,and meet at a bakery on Valentines day. That's when the story and romance adventure begins. :)

I would recommend this to: Anyone who likes romance books.

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