Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The 4:50 From Paddington

The 4:50 From Paddington

By: Agatha Christie
Reviewed by: Kayleigh, 16
Rating: It was amazing!

Part of the Miss Marple series by Agatha Christie, The 4:50 From Paddington is an excellent novel for anyone looking for a fun read. The clever old lady known as Miss Marple receives the news from her trusted friend, Mrs. McGillicuddy, that a murder has occurred on a train. They report it to the police, but the police believe nothing like that has happened. So Miss Marple takes matters into her own hands and recruits a young lady named Lucy Eyelesbarrow to be her eyes and ears in this case.

This book has been published as What Mrs. McGillicuddy Saw!, its current title and Murder, She Said, but we know it as The 4:50 From Paddington. Christie’s unique writing style and use of old English makes this novel even more entertaining! This book is one of my favorites in the Miss Marple series. And you can read this particular book without having read any of the others in the series.

Recommended to: readers who like the good old-fashioned whodunits

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! I read this review and I had to fo check out that book and I was hooked on the series! Thank you alot for the reviews keep writing them!