Monday, December 8, 2008

Twilight (The Movie)


Directed by: Catherine Hardwicke
Reviewed by: Missy, 16
Rating: Hated it!

OMG!!!! They screwed up the whole frickin movie!!!! thats all I can say. The Edwards and Bellas acting was absolutly pitiful! But i must say that both of Edwards and Bellas fathers fit the charecter near to perfection.

They skipped alot of the romance, and putting in scenes that were never even in the book, but only lead up to the frickin fight scene. I mean, James, Laurent, and Victoria werent even there at the beging of the book, they are adding scenes from the second book into the movie.

And what the frick is with Edward bightign Bella?!?!?! He didnt even frickin bight her in the book, that kinda takes out of the purpose of suckign out the venom. but noooooo, he just had to bite her.

And the kissing... i do not remeber him pushing her into the bed, getting oh so passionate... i was like, omg... stay with the frickin book!

And whats with the tree climbing? hmm.. maybe he is a radioactive spider dude... jeeze a weeze They didnt show the paintings of carlisle and his friends ((hmm... i wonder how there going to do movie 2 with out that, cause that was kinda big for movie 2)) And what the frick is with Jasper?!?! he looked like he was about to cry, and him and rosela looked like they were wearing wigs, which they were. And in the movie, i dont see anything unique about edwards hair, its susposed to be unique I must say, the only good vampire that i liked int he movie of the 5 kids was alice, the actress filled in the part perfectly, with the attitude and looks.

And the music... I bought the soundtrack to twilight befor ei watche dthe movie, so i pretty much know all of the lyrics... the places where they put the songs does not even remotly match, except for the piano part for bellas lyllaby OMG, dont even get me started on that scene, that freakin lowsy scene. I dont remember it beign are dark and gloomy. It was susposed to be light, and like a normal house.

And the fighting scene, didnt James bight Bella on the PALM ((not rist)) before Edward came to save here? not after, and didnt she hit her head on the frickin glass?!?

And what is with Bella being so suddenly rich and fashionable?!??!? Shes susposed to be average. Ipods are not cheap, fashionable clothes are not cheap. You think a mother with no job, a father in law who is a terrible base ball player, and a dad who works in a small town able to afford all of that? nooooo. She doesnt have a job, so that doesnt work And what happened to the other dance, they skipped it and went straight to the prom! What happened to Tyler asking bella out cause he felt really sorry for her? And didnt Bella already know that Edward was a vampire before she went dress shoppign with her friends?!? didnt Jacob tell bella that the cold ones are vampires at the beach party?!

They Royally screwed up this movie.

This movie was absolutly terrible compared to the book. Terrible acting, terrible graphics, and just plain, out right terrible. get my point?

Recommended to: no one who loves the book twilight

1 comment:

Pamela said...

totally agree. rob patterson and kristen suck at acting and jacob was cuter than edward in the movie seriously thats so wrong....