Directed By: Paul Weitz
Reviewed by: Missy, 16
Rating: Hated it!
I have read the series of cirque du freak, more than 3 times. And I knew, from watching just the trailers to this movie, that it was going to be terrible.. but not this bad...
Now, this may be my opinion, but i think its pretty bad being shocked that they had a few scenes from the book... Like, the changing of him into a vampire...
But others were just completly terrible.. now, here is a list that i found disapointing with this movies from worst to better.... but the better is still not good.. TT_TT thier is no better in this movie..
- They made one of the charecters a female in the movie, while in the book, she was in fact a MALE... I mean, common, is it seriosly that hard to find an actor who is a male?
- The wolf man... WHAT THE HELLL!!!! I was sitting in my seat, all excited and expecting for this hidious man with these big canines and loads of hair... and then this thing comes out... I mean, what the hell... The instant you see it, you know it is completly fake....
- What the hell is with the spider?! She was susposed to be terrifing looking, making you shiver the first time you see her.... But no, they make her into this big fluffy teddy bear like creater with big adorable eyes.... TT_TT It was so hard for me not to yell at this....
- What the hell is with Mr. Tiny?! He doesnt even look like the one in the book.. And he did NOT meet Steve and Darren in person and help Steve.. He did not choose a side what so ever....
- Whats with the vamaneze?! What, no one thier knows how to paint? wait, of cource they know how to, look at evra... But nooooooo, lets make mr. Vampaneze all normal looking..... In the book, he is susposed to have purplish skin and red fingernails and eyes...
- Do they not want to add one sad scene to this movie? What happened to sam?! hello?!?!?! what, you just want to skip book 2 completly?!? And what the hell is with him drinking from that Monkey girl?! And from the neck!! That is SOOO not how they drink... Please, follow some of the book... just a little.... THEY TOOK THAT FROM BLADE!!
- What is with bringing in the parents at the end?! The parents NEVER saw him again after he died, and Annie, his little sister, saw him after she was what, 30??? Ok, so lets skip book two, and add some things from book 11 and 12!!! YAY!!!! ...... *glares* 8. what the hell is with all this fighting? What, to make a good movie it has to hav3e fighting in it?! The same exact thing happened with twilight.. Lets skip everything thing about the movie and go STRAIGHT to the FIGHTING!
- What happened to RV?! He is an IMPORTANT charecter of this book series.... read the dang series!!
- what the heck is with Steve and Darren meeting in the end after Steve turns?! They are NOT susposed to meet until WAY later, till book 8... and yes, it IS important that Darren does not think of steve as an enemy...
- And what the heck is with Steve killing the teacher? didnt happen... and kidnappign the parents? didnt happen...
- Why is Gavner thier at the begining?? He wasnt susposed to be thier until way on in the movie since it is of all three movies....
1. they.. wait no, that was screwed up... hmm.... thier has got to be atleast one good thing.... ummm.... hold on.. ill think of somthing..
aw screw it, i cant think of anything.... thier was not good things abotu the horrid movie...
you can go ahead and watch it if you want. but i sudjest reading the books first....
Recommended to: no one